Monday, July 13, 2009

3 Steps to a Summer-Ready Backside

Don’t tell us. We know. Summer’s here, so there’s no more hiding behind bulky sweaters and big jeans.

But don’t panic. You can get your backside ready for shorts and swimwear fast with these three simple exercise tips from fitness expert Tina Vindum, author of Outdoor Fitness.
  • Summer means stairs. Seek the stairs everywhere you go. Here’s how to make them work for your backside: Fully plant your foot on each step, and firmly press through your heel and tighten your glutes as you straighten your leg with each step. Find out how just 2 minutes of daily stair climbing helps cholesterol, too.
  • Take a kickback. Give your butt an even better stair workout by lifting your free leg straight behind you as you take each step. Raise it to a 45-degree angle, and squeeze your glutes as you lift.
  • Cop a squat on a hill. First, read up on the proper form for squats. Then, do your squats on a hill for extra backside firming. You should be facing down the slope.
Don’t forget your abs! Here’s an easy workout video that can help tone your midsection.


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