Wednesday, October 20, 2010

5 Things Your Hair Stylist Won't Tell You


1. The more expensive products aren't better.
The truth is, a lot of the expensive products have the same ingredients in them with a different label. In fact some of them don't work or protect your hair as well as affordable drug store brands.

2. You don't need to get highlights every time you get your hair done.
The reality is if your hair has been highlighted every time its been colored, the chances of overlapping and over processing are greater than not. Try breaking your base instead of highlights when it's time for your color touch ups. That way, you'll give your hair a small break while saving money and looking color fresh.

3. You don't need conditioning treatments every time you go to the salon.
Conditioning treatments aren't bad, especially on damaged hair, however, over conditioning with expensive treatments can sometimes leave you with a big bill at check out time. Try requesting the moisturizing conditioners that are complimentary with your shampoo and ask to be sit under the dryer for 5 to 10 minutes. Compare to see if there's a real difference in the way your hair feels after.

4. Your hair won't grow faster if you trim it.
But the truth is your hair won't look as good as you're growing it out if you let too much time lapse between cuts. So just be sure to tell your stylist you want it to grow longer — that way she can trim only a little bit to keep it healthy, but she'll know to preserve as much of the length as possible.

5. You don't need to shampoo your hair every day if it's curly or wavy.
The "wash and wear" haircut and the daily shampoo are really only needed if you have really fine hair. If your hair is wavy or curly, it tends to be a little drier, so you really shouldn't shampoo every day.


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